After Tax
Calculate how much tax and National Insurance you'll pay on £28,000 of Gross Income

See your salary by:
Year | Month | Week | |
Gross Wage | £28,000.00 | £2,333.33 | £538.46 |
Personal Allowance | £12,570.00 | £1,047.50 | £241.73 |
Taxable Income | £15,430.00 | £1,285.83 | £296.73 |
Pension (0%) | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Income Tax | £3,086.00 | £257.17 | £59.35 |
National Insurance | £1,851.60 | £154.30 | £35.61 |
Student Loan | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Take Home Pay | £23,062.40 | £1,921.87 | £443.51 |
What is my take-home pay on £28,000 after tax?
Our salary calculator, using the 2023/24 tax year rates, shows that if you earn £28,000 salary, you would pay £3,086 income tax (at the current tax rate) and £1,852 in national insurance contributions on a £28,000 yearly gross income. Based on your pension and student loan selections you would pay £0 on your student loan and £0 towards your pension every year. Therefore a salary of £28,000 results in £23,062 net income after all the above deductions. You can change these selections above.
Which Student Loan should I select?
If you don’t have a student loan/have paid off your student loan you don’t need to worry about this, just select none here. But if you have an unpaid student loan then you have to choose the plan that applies to you.
Here’s some info to help you make the decision of which one to select:
None: Don’t have a student loan/paid it off
Plan 1: started university before 1st Sept 2012
Plan 2: started university on/after 1st Sept 2012
Which Pension type should I select?
If you don't currently pay into your pension you don't need to worry about the selection here. But if you do, see our brief points below on which option to select.
Here’s some info to help you make the decision of which one to select:
Net pay arrangement: This is where your employer takes your pension contribution before applying your tax. The tax relief gained from pension contributions is already factored into your income tax here.
Relief at source: Here your pension contribution is treated as part of your income and is therefore taxed in your income tax, but your pension provider will reclaim the tax and add this to your pot on your behalf.
Our tax calculator does not constitute as financial advice, it makes generic assumptions about your income as well as employment on a single job as self-employment has different national insurance rules. It shouldn't be used as the final answer to your tax questions. Should you need additional information about your salary please refer to the tax office with your tax code from your payslip.